“Mr. Wilkerson is a consummate professional, holding the interests and well-being of his clients in the highest regard. He is the only person I trust with the interests of my family.” – Haley

“The confidence Craig showed at a time when I was most vulnerable gave me such peace of mind throughout the process. I will always recommend him and his firm.” – Audrey

“Craig Wilkerson is a great attorney and does an excellent job both beforehand and in the court room.” – Larry

“They took the time that I needed to explain everything and answer all of my questions. They really fought hard for me and my family.” – Tom

“Outstanding law firm. The staff is great and family friendly. Also they take fast action on your case to get you the best care and treatment complete. Leaving you stress free 100%” – Shwanna

“Craig Wilkerson is an incredible professional and understanding attorney. He goes above and beyond the call of duty to help his client feel at ease. He holds the interest and well-being of his clients to the highest respect.” – Tiffany

“Highly recommend Law Offices of Craig Wilkerson for complex civil litigation matters. Mr. Wilkerson demonstrated sincere care for my circumstances, while providing straight forward, sound legal advice.” – Amber

About Us

Personal Injury Attorney Rock Hill, SC

Law Offices of Wilkerson, Jones & Wilkerson

F. Craig Wilkerson, Jr., is a personal injury lawyer and former United States Marine who values honor, trust, integrity and service. You can put your case in his hands with the knowledge that your needs will be his top priority.

If your legal matter is important enough for you to research, then hiring an attorney is as important a decision as hiring a doctor to perform surgery. Take the time to make informed decisions and contact Craig Wilkerson for a no-obligation case evaluation. The attorney/client relationship can be an important aspect of any legal matter and taking the time to find the right “fit” may be as important as any second opinion. Knowledge is power, and we will ensure that you understand the ins and outs of your case when we meet with you.

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Practice Areas

An injury can change lives forever—both financially and physically. Immediate and recurring bills, as well as time away from work can put an enormous strain on a family. When these issues are brought about by someone else’s negligent behavior, you have the legal right to request compensation via a personal injury claim. At The Law Offices of F. Craig Wilkerson Jr., our skilled personal injury lawyers have a history of recovering the maximum level of compensation for our clients and their families. We have a deep understanding of how insurers fight these claims, and we’ll use our knowledge and resources to build the strongest case possible. Contact us today to request a consultation and find out how hard our team will fight for you. Because we’re sensitive to our clients’ financial needs, we don’t charge any upfront fees when we work on personal injury cases. We only accept payments when cases work in your favor.

Our firm’s attorneys believe auto accident victims and their loved ones deserve competent, respectful, and caring representation. We are committed to eliminating crash victims’ burdens and to pursuing compensation for them, including lost wages, pain, suffering, medical bills, and more. Most importantly, we protect our clients’ rights when they’re dealing with the insurance company. Unlike insurers, we don’t focus on the bottom line. Rather, we’re focused on our clients’ health and well-being. To us, it’s not a job—it’s an honor. If you are wondering, “how can I find an injury attorney near me”, the search is over. Contact us today.

Losing a loved one or suffering a life-altering injury is devastating to an entire family. But, when serious injuries and wrongful deaths are caused by another person’s negligence, Families are left to deal with the knowledge that the catastrophe was preventable. Meanwhile, they’re forced to figure out how they’ll pay the funeral expenses, medical bills, and other costs associated with a tragic loss.

At The Law Offices of F. Craig Wilkerson Jr., our South Carolina wrongful death lawyers know that money can’t bring loved ones back. However, our team will work tirelessly to ease your family’s financial burden and get the justice you seek. During a stressful time, don’t add to the heartache by dealing with insurers on your own.

Call today to schedule a no-obligation consultation with a catastrophic injury lawyer.

South Carolina’s workers’ compensation system allows for employees who have suffered on-the-job injuries from their employer’s workers compensation insurance coverage. All too often, though, insurance companies use their deep pockets and legal knowledge to beat the system and avoid paying clients what they are entitled to under the law. You can rely on our workers’ compensation lawyers to:

  • Keep on top of paperwork and ensure that you don’t miss important deadlines.
  • Document your work-related injuries and how they’re keeping you from doing your job.
  • Help you find a doctor if you’re not getting the right care.
  • Represent you at workers’ compensation claim denial hearings.

When a family member is in a nursing facility, you shouldn’t have to worry about whether they’re receiving the care they need. However, if there are signs of neglect or abuse, it’s important to act right away. A family’s decision to look for answers will not only protect their loved one from more harm, but it may also prevent other residents from suffering a similar fate.

In nursing home abuse cases, victims deal with mental and physical injuries, as well as violations of their dignity and rights. At our firm, our nursing home abuse attorneys will fight to protect vulnerable victims’ rights and help them get the compensation to which they are entitled.

If you believe that a relative is being abused or neglected in a nursing facility, we invite you to schedule a no-obligation consultation with one of our skilled lawyers. Our compassionate injury attorneys know how distressing these situations are, and we will work swiftly to help protect your family member from further harm.

There are strict state and federal guidelines on the investigation of nursing home neglect and abuse allegations are investigated. However, holding facilities and staff members accountable requires help from an experienced personal injury attorney. Our lawyers have extensive knowledge of federal and state nursing home regulations, and we’ll put that experience to work for you.

When you buy products and use them as intended, you should not have to think about hidden defects and other injury risks. Unfortunately, defective and dangerous products cause many unknowing consumers to suffer costly, serious, and life-altering injuries. With help from a product liability lawyer, though, you can recover.

If you or a member of your family has become the victim of a product that should never have made it to market, consider consulting with the skilled attorneys at The Law Offices Wilkerson Jones and Wilkerson. Our experienced South Carolina product liability attorneys will take on manufacturers and vendors that focus on profits instead of people. We will aggressively push to hold at-fault parties responsible and seek maximum compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered.


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