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Professional Pest Control Services In Frisco, TX

Protect your Frisco home or business property with help from the pest control technicians at Romney Pest Control. Our team of pest control specialists work to find an affordable and efficient solution for all your pest control needs. We provide several different residential and commercial pest control services to fit every need and budget; if pest problems arise between our scheduled service visits, so will we, at no extra cost to you. If you would like to learn more about all of our pest programs and solutions, contact us today to speak with one of the knowledgeable pest control professionals here at Romney Pest Control.

Home Pest Control In Frisco, TX

The most important thing you can do to keep your Frisco home and family protected from pest problems is to implement a residential pest control plan for your property. Ongoing pest control services will keep your Frisco home pest-free all year long. At Romney Pest Control, we believe in providing the most affordable and effective pest control options available. Our service technicians are dedicated to providing regular service visits to eliminate current pests and prevent future pests from invading. To protect your Frisco home from pests, Romney Pest Control offers a variety of pest control and prevention options. Our residential pest control programs include the treatment of your lawn, roof eaves and overhangs, foundation, and the interior of your home. For more information about any of our affordable home pest control services, contact Romney Pest Control today.

Why DIY Flea Control Often Fails In Frisco, TX

flea on the arm of a frisco tx resident

If you own a cat or dog, you’re probably well aware that fleas and ticks are problematic; even if you don’t own pets, mice and rats are capable of bringing these tiny parasitic pests onto your Frisco property. Fleas are small, annoying insects that depend on the blood of a host to survive. While fleas can bite humans, they prefer to bite animals with a thick coat of fur they can hide in.

It’s tempting to look online for DIY treatments and home remedies for flea infestations. There are many websites that promise certain DIY flea treatment methods are “proven” to work. Unfortunately, most DIY flea treatments are ineffective and a waste of time. Even if you manage to kill a few fleas, it won’t handle the whole infestation. Fleas reproduce rapidly, which means the only way to remove an infestation is to eliminate every single flea in your Frisco home. If one or two fleas survive, your infestation will become just as bad, or worse, than what you started with.

The best way to remove a flea infestation from your home or business is with the help of the pest control technicians here at Romney Pest Control. We offer several effective solutions to a wide variety of pest problems, including fleas. Give us a call at Romney Pest Control today to experience life without pests.

Protecting Your Frisco, TX Property From Termite Damage

costly termite damage to the exterior of a frisco tx home

If there’s any pest you should worry about, it’s termites. These small, social insects cause extensive damage to Frisco homes and businesses every year. Termite colonies can have between 60,000 and 1 million individual termites, which often determines how much damage is inflicted on a property. Annually, United States property owners pay out over 5 billion dollars because of termites. To avoid encouraging termite activity on your Frisco property, it’s helpful to understand what might attract them. Help protect your property with these termite-prevention tips:

  • Seal gaps around your foundation, walls, and utility openings.

  • Place weather-stripping around all exterior doorways and windows.

  • Cut trees, tall grass, and foliage away from your building to allow sunlight to dry up excess moisture.

  • Clear debris from your gutter system.

  • Remove water-damaged wood from your property.

  • Clear away old or decaying wooden materials, such as stumps, fence posts, and logs.

  • Install a dehumidifier in your home or business.

  • Fix broken faucets and leaking pipes.

  • Where possible, reduce wood-to-soil contact.

If termites still manage to invade your Frisco home or business, reach out to the licensed pest experts here at Romney Pest Control. No matter how large or small your termite infestation is, we have what it takes to eliminate them. Don’t hesitate, contact us today for immediate termite control services.

Commercial Pest Control In Frisco, TX

When it comes to commercial pest infestations, there should be no room for doubt. No Frisco business owner should have to deal with pest problems on top of normal responsibilities. To keep your business successful, pests belong out of the picture. Pests can damage property, disturb customers, and ruin a reputation.

At Romney Pest Control, we strive to provide business owners the commercial pest control services they need to keep pests out and draw customers in. Our skilled pest technicians have the tools and dedication required to ensure your Frisco business is pest-free. We will work with you to find the right solution for your business property in an efficient and affordable way. Partner with Romney Pest Control today and never worry about pests ruining your business reputation. If professional, trustworthy pest services are what you’re looking for, look no further than Romney Pest Control.

"Awesome service and they keep their word. Rare these days to find a company that knows what customer service is all about. All this, quality products and at a reasonable price. Its a no brainer."
a happy customer in his home in fort worth texas

Ray T.

Romney Pest Control received an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars from 589 reviews.


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